Classic Metal Roofing President To Serve On Aileron Advisory Council

Todd Miller, President of Classic Metal Roofing Systems, was recently chosen to be on the Client Advisory Council for Aileron. Based in the Dayton, Ohio area and working with clients from all over, it was founded by Clay Mathile, former owner of IAMS Pet Foods. Thier goal is to help and inspire our nation’s small business owners and leaders. Classic Metal Roofing, along with several of our dealers, is an Aileron client.

The purpose of the Client Advisory Council is to create a dialogue directly with its customers on strategic direction, services, and programs. This helps them ensure that they are an organization that benefits their clients and the community. The council provides insight and feedback on its process and procedures and is used to pilot new concepts and offering formats.

Click here for more information on Aileron. Specific details on the Client Advisory Council can be found here.

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