Top 3 Reasons Why a Woodworker or a Metalworker Requires Woodward Fab’s Drill Presses

Drilling holes in the wood or metal pieces is another important activity undertaken by a woodworker or a metalworker, besides cutting them. They use various types of devices used for drilling holes. Hand drills are one of the most popular devices used for the purpose. Although these devices require little storage space, still they have limitations in terms of usage. Nowadays, these people are increasingly replacing hand drills with drill presses due to several beneficial reasons. There are many manufacturers who offer these drill presses in diverse specifications. Woodward Fab is also one of the leading manufacturers of drill presses. The question is what makes these drill presses different? What beneficial features do they offer?  Read this post to know more.

Types of Drill Presses Offered by Woodward Fab

The drill presses can be used with wood pieces or metal sheets of various lengths, widths, and types. Some popular drill presses provided by Woodward Fab includes the following:.

Bench mounted press

Hydraulic drill press

Electric hydraulic drill press

Sheet metal drill press

Bench model drill press

Beneficial Features of Woodward Fab’s Drill Presses

Various beneficial features of Woodward Fab’s drill presses make them popular among wood and metal workers.

Absolute Precision: Drill presses feature an option of setting precise angle and depth. Our bench mounted drill press (Drill Press DP 10) features a table with an adjustable angle. Users can tilt the table to drill holes at a specific angle. We also offer electric hydraulic drill press with automated motor, which helps rotate the drill bits quickly, and enables faster drilling. These drill presses are versatile enough to drill holes in complicated wood pieces or metal sheets.


Superior Construction: All our drill presses have a superior construction with a cast iron table and base, which provides rigidity and robustness during the drilling operation. Also, the press vises are fabricated from forged iron having a clamping pressure of 1000 pounds. This helps provide stability, and pressure during the drilling process.


Enhanced Safety: Safety is one of the critical factors of consideration, while using a drill press. We offer bench model drill press with variable speed capabilities. This prevents the drill bit from breaking loose during extensive drillings. Also, our sheet metal drill press (Drill Press DP 15) is equipped with a clamp or vice, which prevents the metal sheet from slipping during drilling. This helps avoid unwanted injuries, which might come in the way due to the negligent working environment.

Innovative wood and sheet metal working can be implemented by using a handy drill press. This helps improve the quality of work, and eases the process. If you are looking forward to purchasing a drill press for your metal or wood drilling needs, you can consider Woodward Fab’s products. To know more about us, please click here.

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