You have your site leveled and the foundation laid for your new steel building. But are you ready for its delivery? Advance preparation and inspection will go a long way in having a prepared and safe site for receiving the truck and components. Understand what you will be expected to provide and perform on the date of delivery.

Develop a site specific plan during preconstruction. Take advantage of pre-construction meetings and site inspections to develop a plan that meets OSHA safety requirements while keeping everything organized and tracking missing or damaged components.

The erection plan includes:

A warning sign stating, “No materials beyond this point.”
Descriptions and placement procedures for derricks and cranes.
Highlight path for overhead loads and critical lifts.
OSHA also requires a description of the erection procedure and activities including:

Any stability needs such as bracing or guying.
The erection of the bridge terminus point.
Notices for repairs, modifications and replacements of any anchor bolts or rods.
Descriptions of the columns and beams including the joists and purlins.
A description of the connections and decking as well as any iron placement.
Before the building is even scheduled for delivery you should be preparing your site to receive the load. You will need to ensure adequate access roads up to and throughout the jobsite if at all possible. If there is no way for a large truck to access the site you must have a staging area ready.

Clear adequate area for delivery. The metal building erector should be able to tell you the space requirements for your particular building. Not only will the site need space for receipt of the shipment, you need plenty of defined storage space as well for components that will not immediately be used.

Important: You must have written notification from the contractor stating that all poured concrete components are sufficiently cured. You must also have written notification testifying that any modified, repaired, or replaced anchor bolts meet ASTM specifications. These notifications must be in hand before the building can be delivered.

You also want to have your contract and packing lists ready to use in checking-in.

Finally, confirm the delivery date on your contract with the supplier to make sure nothing has changed. You will need to have assistance for unloading scheduled for this time. You need sufficient assistance to unload the truck, check in all components and inspect them for damage.

Make sure you understand all the terms and conditions of delivery and receipt to make for an efficient drop-off. When the building is delivered you are responsible for unloading and check in. Have your packing list ready and check off components as they leave the truck and inspect each component for damage. Notification of any damaged or missing components must be reported to the supplier as soon as possible for replacement or refund.

A final Note: keep the lines of communication open between you, your contractor, and your supplier. Remember, it’s your building; you have the most skin in the game. Make sure all preliminaries are taken care of and that you have plenty of assistance for unloading.

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