Steel buildings are widely considered to be the best roll forming machine solutions for warehouses, industrial complexes and cold storage facilities. They are sustainable, energy efficient and provide protection against various environmental elements.

However, they do need proper care and maintenance in order for them to deliver long-term solutions.

A problem that is commonly encountered in steel buildings is that of condensation. If the right measures are not taken to control condensation in steel buildings, it can quicky wreak havoc on the structure.

What Is Condensation?
Condensation is a process in which water vapors turn into liquid.

The higher the humidity, the greater the vapor content will be in the air. Humidity is the measure of the vapor content in the air in relation to the amount it can hold at that temperature. Warm air is capable of holding more moisture as compared to cold air. When the indoor humidity level goes above 60%, the vapors start turning into liquid and creates condensation. Indoor humidity can be controlled by bringing in outside air and mixing it with the inside air.

Air also has a saturation level, called a dew point. When the air reaches saturation, it is no longer able to hold the moisture that it contains, which leads to condensation.

Condensation mainly happens at cold surfaces, which is why steel buildings are more vulnerable to it. When the cold temperature outside transfers through the metal, the warm indoor air reacts to the cold surface and forms water droplets. While ventilation can be used to minimize the issue, it won’t resolve it completely.

The Consequences Of Condensation

The damage that condensation causes to a CZ Purlin Machine steel building is slow and happens over time. If the interior of the steel building remains mostly humid, then there are high chances that the building sustains damage from condensation, which would eventually require extensive renovation.

Here are some ways in which condensation damages steel buildings:

The most detrimental risk of condensation in steel structures is corrosion. When the structure of the building is thoroughly corroded, the fixtures and metal walls become unstable, leaving it vulnerable to caving.

Corrosion also makes a steel building look visually unappealing, which may ultimately affect its curb appeal as well.

Failed Insulation
A building which has a persistent condensation problem is also more likely to have a failed insulation system. This is because the condensation makes the insulation material damp, making it ineffective in handling the thermal energy.

Persistent Dampness
Condensation leads to persistent dampness in the building, which may lead to health problems for the occupants, especially the ones who are suffering from allergies, asthma, bronchitis and flu.

Pest Infestation
Damp and humid indoor conditions are perfect conditions to attract various pests in the building. Therefore, buildings that have persistent condensation problems are more likely to have a full-scale pest infestation from time to time.

We’re One Of The World’s Largest Manufacturers And Suppliers Of Prefabricated Steel Structures And Design Steel Structures To Avoid Condensation Problems.



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