Insulated metal panels have been the choice material of Light Gauge Steel Roll Former contractors and designers for decades. Insulated metal panels are reliable for a number of reasons—excellent thermal efficiency, structural integrity, and ease of installation.
Insulated metal panels are utilized in a multitude of applications including industrial, commercial and air-conditioned buildings. But what exactly are they?

Insulated Metal Panels
In its simplest form, an insulated metal panel is a rigid foam placed between two coated metal sheets. Insulated metal panels can be molded and shaped in many different sizes and shapes, depending on their final application.

On the other hand, insulated metal panels made of steel or aluminum facings are capable of creating a vapor barrier. This barrier provides long-lasting thermal stability.

Insulated metal panels have been in use for a long time and studies show that their production is only increasing. In fact, a 5% annual increase in the production of insulated panels was observed in the last recorded survey. So how exactly are these panels made? Let’s find out!

How Insulated Metal Panels Are Made
Insulated metal panels are commonly manufactured utilizing the foamed-in-place manufacturing process. In this process, foam in liquid or froth form is injected between metal sheets. Upon injection, a chemical reaction occurs which causes the foam to rise and bond to the metal surface.

As the foam bonds with the metal skins, it fills up C purlin machine the interior cavity and creates a rigid monolithic panel. This panel is capable of maintaining a constant thermal value as well as resisting moisture, rodent and insect infiltration.

Another common process used to manufacture insulated metal panels is the laminating process. In the laminating process, a pre-cured foam sheet is attached to preformed metal skins with the help of structural adhesives.

To ensure a solid fit, a pressure is also applied on the panels with the help of a platen press operation. Nevertheless, both processes produce insulated metal panels of a foam thickness that is uniform and delivers consistent insulation throughout its lifetime.

Benefits Of Using Insulated Metal Panels
A comparison of insulated metal panels with other metal systems for walls and roofs shows that it delivers many of the same benefits. Moreover, the use of insulated foam also carries some unique perks.

For instance, insulated metal panels ensure a faster installation process since they are installed as a single element. Building completion can be carried out in any weather conditions, without the risk of compromising the structural integrity.

Furthermore, these lightweight insulated panels are available in a wide variety of colors and finishes. These panels last longer than other options, require less maintenance, and meet even the most demanding structural and performance requirements.

Last but not least, insulated metal panels offer unmatched insulation performance which ensures lower cooling and heating costs. When it comes to choosing metal panels for your building, finding the right provider is as important as finding the right material.



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