Metal Accents for Your Roof
Metal Accents on Cupolas, Porches, Porticos, Bay Windows and Additions Have you ever considered giving the exterior of your home a little flair? Have you ever considered adding an architectural accent to your roof? Home improvement is one thing, but home accentuation is another. In this case, a metal accent roof does both. One of the biggest adds when installing a metal roof, even if it is a small area, is enhanced curb appeal. A metal accents roof can transform the exterior look of our home while protecting the interior. Porches The most common accent metal roof for new construction of late has been specified for the porch roof. Whether it is a modern farmhouse, or a contemporary three-season porch, the use of metal accents goes a long way in adding charm or boldness to any residential structure. These roofs can be done in aluminum, in over thirty color choices, or the natural look of copper or zinc. Porticos Perhaps you want to make a statement at the entry of the home? A metal-clad ...