There are some myths about metal roofing that have been floating around nigh onto forever. Bet you’ve heard at least some of these. When your clients bring them up, here is some facts to counter with. METAL ROOFS ARE LOUD IN THE RAIN AND ATTRACT LIGHTNING No and no. Metal roofs are no louder in the rain or other conditions than any other type of roof. Because a metal roof has plenty of insulation, pounding rain is no louder than on a traditional roof. Metal roofs also do not attract lightning. Metal is a wonderful conductor but a metal roof is no more likely to be struck than any other. In fact, it can be safer because metal is noncombustible whereas a wooden roof could catch fire from a lightning strike. METAL ROOFS RUST EASILY Metal roofs that are properly coated and maintained do not rust. Manufacturers coat all of their products to ensure they are moisture-resistant. In addition, painting metal imparts rust-proofing as well. METAL ROOFS ARE EASILY DENTED BY HAIL AND Y...